Sending emails
Delivering newsletters to groups of rebels like a pro.
If you are a group coordinator, we strongly advise you not to use Protonmail to email a bunch of people, except if you need end-to-end encryption (eg. for discussing a planned action).
All local groups and XR Belgium working groups have credentials to Mailtrain. This is a self-hosted newsletter application, similar to Mailchimp in the way that it allows to email lists of subscribers.
The Rebels list is synchronized with the Rebels Manager.
A subscription is created when a rebel signs up to your local group, either from the website or manually added by a coordinator
A subscription is updated when the rebel email address is updated on the Rebels Manager
A subscription is deleted when a rebel is deleted on the Rebels Manager
Please don't edit the list config for now.
You may create other lists. In the future, we may have synchronized lists for all working groups.
Specifying test emails
This is useful to send test emails to yourself. Find your subscription is the Subscribers list, click the Edit icon and check the Test user? box.
Then click the Save and leave button.
This is where you go to send an email to your list.
Then click the Save and go to status button. Your email has not been sent yet.
You can yet get a preview of your email, send a new test email and finally Send it.
Congrats! 🎉
Mailtrain 2 is brand new and your feedback is valuable. Please get in touch with the Support team on our #mailtrain Mattermost channel, and let us know about your experience on Mailtrain.
Last updated